Thanks For Signing Up My Seminar!


  • I promise to make it a fun filled day with lots of learning
    that you can takeaway and implement in your life so as to
    become truly UNSTOPPABLE in whatever you do.

  • Do check out a number of videos about some of my programs
    on YouTube. Just type ‘Ashay Shah’ in the search bar and
    these should show up.

  • Please also visit my website

  • See You on Sunday, 29th of October 2017. We have a Date.

  • As no two watches show the same time, you are expected to be
    inside the auditorium at least 30 min before.

  • Later comers will not be allowed under any circumstances.

  • Doors will be closed at 10.55 a.m. or as soon as the hall is full.


Date: 29th October 2017

Time: 11 am to 1 pm

Venue: Pune

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