1 Day Training Programs

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                                 GAME Of Accomplishing Luck

The most important is to understand in Goal setting is to know yourself first. Your mental balance, your intellectual capability, your emotional maturity.

We at Furute have our ways for goal setting training, we coach you for goal setting with a combination of NLP and practicality.

A one day goal setting training to create a blue print for future.

A one day goal setting coaching in a classroom in the midst of nature for performance planning.  KNOW MORE

                                    MANTRA TO SUCCESS…


This One day Business Communication Training will train you in how to have effective communication and understand the science of effective verbal communication skills. How N.L.P. plays its part in communication. KNOW MORE

                       LEADERS ARE BORN, SO ARE YOU…

Different people need different type of leadership, to understand this Furute has a one of its type leadership development program which gives team building training, leadership training for managers, business leadership training. Behavioural problems, not technical skills, are what separate the great from the near great. The first step to change is wanting to change. So if you really want to get the leader in you to work, just be with us and see and feel the Leadership of Ashay Shah in creating a true successful leader in you…  KNOW MORE


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Still have questions?? Don’t worry!! Call us on: 020-26131921 / 8378980521

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